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You promise.

During my healing phase, I met a man. He claimed to be a man of his word.

We started up a conversation, and a few things we had in common led us to enter the "getting to know each other stage."

Months have passed, and he has admitted that he is beginning to like me and that he wants to court me, but because of the distance and the fact that I don't trust him, I am hesitant.

Well, who would have guessed that the man I'm speaking with would travel further than usual to see me, not to mention that he must endure a 6-7 hour bus trip. Efforts right?

I'll be honest: I was so impressed with him that day and admire his effort.

I ended up saying yes to be his girlfriend.

That was quick, right?

But have you ever heard about saying that:

somebody can treat you better in 2 months than someone did in 3 years.

To cut the long story short.

The man who claimed to be the man of his word turned out to be another man who shattered me into pieces like a fragile vase.

We broke up.

I find it really puzzling that some guys would spend so much time courting you only to abandon you in the end. I was ready to do anything for the relationship we had and was willing to take any risks. It may be sound cliché to some because we haven't dated in for so long. But the thing is, it is not the days, months or years. It is the memories we've shared together.

I am emotionally, physically and mentally tired. I need to fix myself first. - he said

I thought that being in a relationship was not just for good times. Because I believe that if you really love that person, you are willing to fight for it.

Life is so unfair. You promised that we would always fix it, no matter what.

But what happened to that promise?

I remember every word you said when you were just courting me back then.

What happened that we ended up this way?

You promise. Then why would you do that to the person you love?

I guess you didn't love me at all.

Because you can't break a promise to the person you really love.

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