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Today, my mother would be surprised if she knew that I let my phone die for three days.

Well, you probably wonder how it happened.

I accidentally forgot my charger after making an impulsive trip back to our province. I tried to use my old charger in my room, but it doesn't work. I knew the wire was working; the adapter is probably the problem.

Nevertheless, I wasn't at all thrilled that I failed having a call to action in that circumstance. Maybe it's for the best because I won't be tempted to spend time crying on my ex to mend our broken relationship. Lol.

But what I've learned over the span of the preceding three days? My broken heart was almost vanished. More specifically, I stopped bothering to cry during those days, which helped me be more productive.

Improving isn't?

As a woman of many passions, I finally finished my portfolio and website. I'm genuinely amused by myself because I've been running out of ideas lately and my creativity is burning out. Thanks to my wounded heart, I was able to put the pieces of art back together.

Surprisingly, I also managed to clean my room, laundry my clothes and groceries, and do other household chores. It was a hella productive day.

This is actually my art of moving on. After crying for one entire day, I would make a sense of dedication to pick myself up and carry on over the following few days.

You can trust me on this, but I don't often give people a second chance. The three-month rule began to run once I started changing the way I style my hair.

Not going to lie, I'm still miserable, but that's just how life is. You live on it in the happiest and saddest way possible. Making poor choices won't ruin your life; instead, they will make you stronger than before.

Just like how my old charger is not working. Maybe I had to change the adapter since the power connection is causing an interruption to charging my phone.

Our love life are similar to that connection. if the connection is no longer making a connection. Then you must concede that it will no longer function. Perhaps a component of the charger, such as the adapter or wire, needs to be fixed.

Phone is drained. So is my life.

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